Graduates |
Intakes |
In-school Students |
總? 計 Total |
839104 |
1227526 |
3170073 |
其中:女Of Which: Female |
379801 |
556650 |
1463423 |
農林牧漁大類 Farming, Forestry, Husbandry, and Fishing |
59936 |
62403 |
189416 |
交通運輸大類 Transportation and Communication |
16932 |
29172 |
61402 |
生化與藥品大類 Biochemistry and Medicine |
2324 |
3484 |
8676 |
資源開發與測繪大類 Resource Development and Survey |
6499 |
12174 |
23784 |
材料與能源大類 Material and Energy |
5947 |
6609 |
14797 |
土建大類 Civil Engineering |
48585 |
100235 |
218003 |
水利大類 Water Resources |
3717 |
5941 |
17783 |
制造大類 Manufacturing |
31531 |
55933 |
132861 |
電子信息大類 Electronic Information |
41571 |
51214 |
157007 |
環保、氣象與安全大類 Environment Protection, Meteorology and Safety |
1144 |
1947 |
4388 |
輕紡食品大類 Light Textile and Food |
904 |
1080 |
1863 |
財經大類 Finance |
284262 |
383550 |
1022089 |
醫藥衛生大類 Medical and Health |
28370 |
51826 |
149372 |
旅游大類 Tourism |
4878 |
4768 |
16606 |
公共事業大類 Public Service |
145321 |
234139 |
577559 |
文化教育大類 Culture and Education |
77786 |
129892 |
301493 |
藝術設計傳媒大類 Artistic Design and Mass Media |
7754 |
7475 |
29315 |
公安大類 Public Security |
909 |
1050 |
2195 |
法律大類 Law |
70734 |
84634 |
241464 |
總計中:師范生 Of theTotal: Students Enrolled in Teacher Training Institutions |
13973 |
29833 |
52299 |