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Unit: person
總計 Total |
少數民族學生 Minority Students | |
人數 Number |
占學生總數的比重(%) Percentage | ||
一、高等教育 Higher Education |
?? (一)研究生 Postgraduates |
1645845 |
93623 |
5.69 |
???????? 博? 士 Doctor's Degrees |
271261 |
14273 |
5.26 |
???????? 碩? 士 Master's Degrees |
1374584 |
79350 |
5.77 |
?? (二)普通本專科 Undergraduates in Regular HEIs |
23085078 |
1688365 |
7.31 |
???????? 本? 科 Normal Courses |
13496577 |
1054214 |
7.81 |
???????? 專? 科 Short-cycle Courses |
9588501 |
634151 |
6.61 |
?? (三)成人本專科 Undergraduates in Adult HEIs |
5474962 |
392778 |
7.17 |
???????? 本? 科 Normal Courses |
2336132 |
176956 |
7.57 |
???????? 專? 科 Short-cycle Courses |
3138830 |
215822 |
6.88 |
?? (四)其他各類高等學歷教育 Students Enrolled in Other Formal Programs |
????? ???1. 在職人員攻讀碩士學位 |
461693 |
Master's Degree Programs for on-the-job personnel |
????? ???2. 網絡本專科生 Web-based Undergraduates |
4924833 |
198642 |
4.03 |
???????? ??本? 科 Normal Courses |
1754760 |
74402 |
4.24 |
???????? ??專? 科 Short-cycle Courses |
3170073 |
124240 |
3.92 |
????? ???3. 其他 Others |
二、中等教育 Secondary Education |
?? (一)高中階段教育 Senior Secondary |
????? ???1. 高中 Senior Secondary Schools |
???????? ??普通高中 Regular Schools |
24548227 |
1914455 |
7.80 |
???????? ??成人高中 Adult Schools |
808989 |
5117 |
0.63 |
????? ???2. 中等職業教育 Secondary Vocational Schools |
???????? ??普通中專 Regular Specialized Sec. Schools |
8552071 |
671873 |
7.86 |
???????? ??成人中專 Adult SSSs |
2387275 |
211207 |
8.85 |
???????? ??職業高中 Vocational High Schools |
6809722 |
383320 |
5.63 |
???????? ??技工學校 Skilled Workers Schools |
?? (二)初中階段教育 Junior Secondary Education |
????? ???1. 初中 Regular Junior Secondary Schools |
50668024 |
4922235 |
9.71 |
????? ??2. 成人初中 Adult JSSs |
三、初等教育 Primary Education |
?? (一)普通小學 Regular Primary Schools |
99263674 |
10440192 |
10.52 |
?? (二)成人小學 Adult Primary Schools |
1679173 |
280206 |
16.69 |
???????? 其中:掃盲班 Of Which: Literacy Classes |
四、工讀學校 Correctional Work-Study Schools |
五、特殊教育 Special Education Schools |
398736 |
11825 |
2.97 |
六、學前教育 Pre-school Education Institutions |
34244456 |
2507323 |
7.32 |
注: 成人高中數據包括成人初中數據。
Note: Data on Minority Students of Adult JSSs are included in the data of the Adult Senior Secondary Schools.